Welcome to all! Some time ago, when I had a Geocities site, I had a page about myself jokingly titled "Who I Be." As I considered doing some private tutoring, I felt that I had to direct my students to a page that sounded just a little more educated. So, I wrote this one. Also, as of October 2002, in regard to web authoring I decided that all future pages that I create would be coded in HTML 4. The page you are now viewing was the first page on my old Geocities site, "Bro. Pete's Oasis Of Hope", to use HTML 4 with CSS. By the Spring of 2003, friends converted my mind to advance to XHTML. Since that time, all NEW pages, except when I had to migrate my Geocities-Yahoo! site rapidly, are coded in XHTML. Old pages that were transferred to new hosts may have a curious mix of HTML 3, 4, and XHTML. Paragraphs revamped on this page are in XHTML. I now use HTML 5, but do not have the time to re-code this page If your church, business, or organization needs a web servant, please consider me. My email addresses are: petemacinta@yahoo.com, I trust that you will find the information presented here to be helpful. By the way, the pictures posted here are from years ago. The information needs to be updated. Basic•Born in Jersey City, NJ of Peter (Sr.) and Mary Macinta•Raised as Roman Catholic •Family relocated to Kearny, NJ around 1956. •Turned satanist, but later became a pantheist •Accepted Christ as Savior on January 25, 1970 •Married Dorcas Yoder on June 7, 1974 EducationELEMENTARY: St. Stephen's School, Midland Avenue, Kearny, NJ. I was a member of the chess club.HIGH SCHOOL: Kearny High School, Elm St., Kearny, NJ. For a brief period, I was a member of the chess club. I also became a junior member of Kiwanis. Later, I assisted the biology instructor, Mr. Nasello, in the care of his biology laboratory. For this activity I received a commendation for my quality care of the lab and the creatures it contained: live roaches, rabbits, guinea pigs and more! Did I say roaches!? Yes, I did! They were not the yucky brown ones many are familiar with, but were somewhat black and longer. If my memory serves me correctly, Mr. Nasello was using them for experiments with cigarette smoke. Upon my graduation in 1970, I received the KHS "Service K Award." BIBLE INSTITUTE: I attended Northeast Bible Institute (NBI) of Green Lane, PA. While studying for the ministry at NBI, I served for one year in the Evangelaire Concert Choir, was elected to the Student Judiciary Council and was a member of the North American Prayer Band. In 1974, I graduated from the four-year program. At the time of my graduation, NBI had not been given authority by Pennsylvania to grant degrees. However, soon after my graduation, NBI was granted that authority. The school, at that time renamed "Northeast Bible College" (NBC), notified previous graduates of this change. To earn my Bachelor's Degree I gained three more credits by studying one more subject, Modern Theology. For my final term paper, I did a critical analysis of Bultmann's de-mythological principle of hermeneutics. I have a Bachelor's Degree of Science in Bible. NBC relocated to Phoenixville, PA, where it was renamed Valley Forge Christian College. OTHER TRAINING: Sometime during the mid 1980's I joined the Flintstone Volunteer Fire Company. I became an Emergency Medical Technician and later a Cardiac Rescue Technician (CRT). For more information on what a CRT was licensed to do, please see the side bar. I was also trained in Basic Fire and served the Company all aspects of emergency operations. I had been appointed as the Second Assistant Ambulance Captain. In 1989 I received an award for running the most EMS calls. I also served as the Chaplin of the Company. To obtain my CRT license, which was one level below Paramedic, my initial studies included courses on advanced emergency care, emergency pharmacology, and arrhythmia interpretation. To maintain my CRT license issued by the Maryland State Board Of Medical Examiners it was required that I take a certain amount of Continuing Education Credits each year. In addition to this MEIEMS required other courses such as Hazardous Materials. One of the last courses I took was to learn how to assist the paramedics on the Medevac helicopters.
In 1990, we moved to Cambridge, MD, to establish a Pentecostal church. The county we moved to, Dorchester County, did not have Advanced Life Support ambulance service, but I did join Dorchester EMS, volunteering on the ambulance in Cambridge. By around 1993 or 1994, because of duties of starting a church while being secularly employed, I surrendered my CRT license and ceased being an EMS / Basic Fire volunteer. I continue to cherish the memory of my service with Flintstone Volunteer Fire Company. The comradeship and teamwork were exceptional. FamilyFacts About Dorcas - "Sis. D"![]()
God has blessed us with three sons:
Typing Basic (not fluent in) Spanish Care of hyperactive people Care of mentally impaired people |
Basic Electronics Basic Electrical Wiring Puppetry DX (see navigation bar) |
HOWEVER, in the meantime, I did many wrong things and got into trouble with the law. One thing I had done wrong and that was very embarrassing to my family and myself really destroyed my self-esteem and mental health. I was so embarrassed by what I had done that I would not eat with my family, but parked myself in front of the TV set at supper time for many months. My grades became worse at school and I almost failed one grade.
During this time, my parents had given me a short wave radio and I began to have short wave listening as hobby. At one point, Trans World Radio of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles had sent me verification that I had heard them, along with a religious tract entitled Religion Is A Drag. I readily agreed with that title so I read the tract. It pointed out that religion cannot save you, and, at times, could even damn you, and made a very great distinction between religion and Jesus Christ. It pointed out that only Jesus is the way. I agreed with this to some degree, but did not accept Christ at that point.
In high school, my childhood dream of becoming a research chemist crumbled to ashes when I could not comprehend any of my science classes, including chemistry! I thought I knew it all, but giving my life to satan made a fool out of me and I knew it. Again, the Gospel was presented to me before I got saved. Leaving school one day some "religious fanatics" were giving out tracts to students. I received one entitled Chicken. I read it and noticed that it concluded with a prayer to accept Jesus Christ as one's Savior. Didn't do it, but kept the tract.
SENIOR YEAR ROLLED AROUND- and I realized I was a failure. I applied to three colleges and they told me to take a hike! During this time I would listen to Billy Graham for some odd reason. I still hated God and religion, and when the theme song How Great Thou Art came on, I would shake my fist at heaven and say "How great Thou aren't!" Yet, God was very merciful. In my Junior year, He sent an underclassman to witness to me. We'd walk home from school together, talking philosophy many times, and this young man, Bob Wittik, would work the conversation over to God and Jesus now and then. One day, while crossing Midland Avenue in Kearny, NJ, Bob said something to me and I replied, "You mean I am going to hell?" Bob said, "I'm afraid so Pete." I thought to myself "I'll never walk home from school again with this guy." - but I did, because Bob had something, . . . really Someone, I really needed, and that Someone was Jesus.
Getting back to Billy Graham, he started preaching a few sermons from Revelation. These sermons made me curious. I knew the world was going to end. So, for the first time in my life, I read the Bible, - I read Revelation - FOUR TIMES - and it scared me!
THINGS CAME TO A HEAD December 1969 when I had girlfriend troubles. Realizing I would not go to college, and getting in trouble (not what you're thinking though) with a girl brought me to the brink of suicide. One night I took my dad's car planning to kill myself with it, but while trying, I chickened out.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1970- depressed and worn out, I turned the radio on and listened to Billy Graham at 10pm. During this message, Rev. Graham pointed out that the world was going to come to an end. I agreed. He stated that somebody would have to be the judge of the living and the dead, to straighten things out. That was reasonable to me. He then pointed out that only Jesus could be that righteous judge because . . .
This made very good sense to me. He then stated that we could have our sins forgiven, erased forever, enabling us to stand before God's throne guiltless, if we confess our sins to God and ask Christ into our hearts. He asked us to pray the sinner's prayer, but I did not do it at that moment. Instead, I took the Chicken tract I had received, read it, and noticed that the prayer in back was the same as the one on the radio. So, laying aside my doubts, I went back to my room, knelt down at my bed and prayed this prayer . . .
Father, forgive me for being a sinner. I ask you to cleanse my heart, and I ask Jesus to come into my heart and make me a new creature. Father, help me to live for you. I love you God. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.
FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I REALLY FELT CLEAN ON THE INSIDE! All the filthy things I had done, all my sins, guilt, fear of death, low self-esteem, and more was wipe out! I eventually wound up going to the Assembly Of God Church in Kearny, NJ. Around February, while talking to God in my room, I was feeling good. I said to God, "Father, I'm a senior in HS about to graduate with nowhere to go, but I don't care. I have You!" I felt God say, "I am calling you to the full-time Gospel ministry." I replied, "I accept." I then felt God say, "I commission you."
TO MAKE SURE, I kept my mouth shut about this, thought about it for awhile, then "secretly" applied for entrance at one Bible school, Northeast Bible Institute, Green Lane, PA. I then told the church. Bob Wittik said he knew I had the call to the ministry. I was accepted at NBI and went off to school for training in August of 1970.
ICING ON MY CAKE!- As a young Christian, I was concerned about the eternal salvation of my parents. Mom was Roman Catholic and Dad was Russian Orthodox. After I told them that I had accepted Christ into my heart, Mom and Dad watched me. After I was saved, Bob Wittik and I were involved in a car accident. During that summer an older lady and I were mugged in Newark, NJ while witnessing. Mom protested my returning to Newark to witness, but I felt that I had to. Our Pastor, J. L. Bricker, worked out a compromise. Anyhow, I eventually went off to Bible school. When I returned home for Christmas vacation, Kearny A/G had a Christmas program. I was asked to help with the lights from the balcony. When Sister Bricker gave the altar call that night, the altar was packed, but Mom and Dad stayed in their pews. The Holy Spirit told me to go down and encourage them to come forward to accept Christ. I did, and we knelt in the isle. Before we prayed the sinner's prayer, I told my parents they had to mean it. They prayed and meant it. I type this with tears of joy and gratitude to JESUS.
THEY WERE CHANGED TOO! The cursing and arguing stopped. Before they were saved, they had slept in separate beds. When I came home from Bible School that summer, I looked into my parent's bedroom, and things were re-arranged. The two single beds were placed together!
Jesus did it!
He wants to do it for you!
And He WILL do it for you, if you let Him.
IT DOES NOT MATTER IF . . . you have a very filthy mind, committed murder, adultery, fornication, done drugs, had an abortion, . . . it does not matter, . . . HE WILL FORGIVE YOU IF YOU TRUST HIM NOW, AND HIM ALONE. Do not trust religion. Trust Jesus. Pray the prayer above, and mean it. Then, go to Are you ready? scrolling down to where I have some steps in the right direction for new Christians. Please Email me at petemacinta@yahoo.com, pastortalk@iname.com about your decision to accept Jesus as your Savior.
Some are called to the position of pastor, evangelist and so on. As noted above, about a month after I was saved I sensed God calling me to the Gospel ministry. For those that may not know, credentials really are not a Scriptural requirement for ministry. However, in today's world they are many times a needed tool and a wise safeguard for many reasons. The following is a partial summary of my ministerial activities and mind-set since the time I felt God's call on my life to the ministry.
1990 to the present - Established Cornerstone Assembly in Cambridge, MD. In August 2003 I resigned my credentials with the Assemblies of God due in part to a by law change, and have declared the church an independent Pentecostal work. If I have time, I will present my rationale behind that decision at a later date. Look here for that link. Evangelistic ministry continues with home Bible Studies, street ministry and other speaking engagements. I am a member of the board of directors for Show God's Love. I am a member of the Dorchester County Maryland Association of Evangelical Pastors (AEP). While with the Assemblies of God, I served as Foreign Missions Representative for some years.
1981 to 1990-Pastor of Flintstone Assembly of God, Flintstone, MD. I believe that I was the pastor who stayed the longest at this particular church. Part of our evangelistic outreach at this time was Kids Crusades.
approx. 1980 to 1981- Assigned by the Potomac District Council of the Assemblies of God to a special situation in Triadelphia, W.VA.
approx. 1979 to 1980- Pastored Eagle Mills Assembly of God, Hamptonville, NC. Served as Foreign Missions Representative for the section.
approx. 1976 to 1979- Fill in work for both Assemblies of God and the local United Methodist system. Kids Crusades. Home Mission surveys. Served as Sectional Youth Leader for the Northcentral Section of the Potomac District. Back then it was still "cool" to sing the Christ Ambassador's Chorus. Served as a counselor at the District Youth Camp. Sunday School teacher at Maranatha A/G, Grantsville, MD.
1974 to 1976-Assistant Pastor (unpaid financially) at Bentleyville Tabernacle of the A/G in Bentleyville, PA. Pastor Cecil Price was the Senior Pastor at that time.
The Christian years prior to my graduation from Northeast Bible Institute included ministry to various parts of the Northeast and to various groups. It was always a pleasure to minister at the Warner's in Brooklyn, NY for Jewish missions. Part of our training also included teaching ministry to the mentally handicapped.
Ministry began through Kearny AOG in street witnessing, youth group work, street outreach in Newark and many other avenues. Pastor Jerry Bricker permitted me to preach my first public sermon at Goodwill Missions in Newark, NJ.
One of the first things I remember doing was that in March 1970 I assisted Kearny AOG at the Orchard Street Missions in Newark. All I did was hold up a sign for the children to sing from: but it was great, because I was doing something for the One Who died, rose, and lives for me!
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petemacinta@yahoo.com, pastortalk@iname.com
© 2003 Peter Macinta